Sunday, July 8, 2012

World's fastest camera detects elusive cancer cells

Modifications to the world's fastest camera are enabling the real-time identification of rare breast cancer cells in blood, with a record low false-positive rate of one cell in a million, according to new research out of UCLA.

(Credit: UCLA)

"This technology can significantly reduce errors and costs in medical diagnosis," lead author Keisuke Goda, a UCLA program manager in electrical engineering and bioengineering, said in a school news release.

The team's approach could not only pave the way for earlier detection of cancer and monitoring of drug and radiation therapy but also prove useful in urine analysis, water quality monitoring, and more.

The results of the study, published in the current issue of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, were obtained by mixing lab-grown cancer cells with blood in various proportions that mimic cancer patient blood.

The team's optical microscope, which was first developed in 2009 as the fastest continuous-running camera in the world, improves on the current gold standard for cellular analysis -- called flow-cytometry -- which relies on single-point light scattering instead of a picture. This means ... [Read more]

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