Monday, March 28, 2011

RSS Feeds And Automation 101

For years I have been praising and promoting the advantages and benefits of RSS to black hats and marketers. I began using rss feeds and automating the process about 2002. I tried in vain to convince the adult industry to follow but they were slow to progress and embrace rss. They were stuck in the 90's. Still using old school promotional techniques such as banner ads, free galleries, thumbnail galleries, and email.

Back then I stumbled on a really cool program called RSS To Blogs which changed my whole out look on marketing. I quickly seen the advantages of rss feeds and automation and soon created my Army of Blogs and a web site by that name to share my experiences along with reviews of every major bot that came my way. Finally the adult industry, for the most part, started offering rss feeds to their affiliates. There are still some sponsors stuck in the 90's LMAO.

Now I don't care what you market or where or how. RSS automation will greatly improve your results and simplify your work! You do NOT need to worry about SEO. I announced SEO was dead back in 2005! I was right. It's amazing how hard webmaster work to get high Page Rank and still try to live off search engine traffic. They are also stuck in the 90's. I feel sad for those marketers and webmasters. RSS automation is all you need. Fuck Page rank, Fuck Google! You do NOT need to bust your ass jumping thru hoops for Google or any search engine! Folks, it's not about Page Rank, it's about TRAFFIC! Traffic is what you need!

But if you really wanted to get a site with a high Page Rank for white hat purposes, guess what? You can do it faster and better with RSS automation! I personally don't need or care for PR or any white hat campaigns. But understand we all market at different levels.

If your only interested in traffic and making money, you don't even need a web site lol. All you need is rss feeds, disposable blogs, and good converting sponsors that actually pay their webmasters on time. That's it! In the following posts I will be talking more about rss feeds, automation and I may even touch on another one of my pet projects, Artificial Intelligence in auto marketing. How many people do you hear talking about AI, RSS Automation? That's right not many. Stay tune for more. Your life is about to change for good!

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