Thursday, July 19, 2012

Kayak sets IPO price at $26 a share

Facebook's teeter-totter on the Nasdaq has caused some to wonder whether it's a good idea for Internet companies to go public. After a little back-and-forth and a bit of careful consideration, the online travel agency Kayak has decided to take the plunge.

Trading is scheduled to begin on the Nasdaq tomorrow, with the company's initial public offering set at $26 per share -- above the expected range of $22 to $25, according to CNBC. Kayak aims to sell 3.5 million shares, it said in its regulatory filing last week. At $26, that would mean raising $91 million.

Kayak first filed to go public in 2010 but put its IPO on hold in May after company executives got cold feet when Facebook's share price plunged in the first couple of weeks after its offering.

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