Friday, July 20, 2012

Zynga CEO: Facebook, Zynga wanted to break up in 2010

Zynga co-founder and CEO Mark Pincus just revealed something about his company's relationship with Facebook that may come as a shock to many. Zynga and Facebook were considering a break up back in 2010.

That should surprise you because the companies are very, very close partners. When Facebook was getting ready to go public, it disclosed that 12 percent of the social networking giant's 2011 revenue came from Zynga. More recently, in Q1 2012, that number was 15 percent (down from 19 percent in Q1 2011), including both payments revenue and advertising displayed alongside Zynga games. Oh, and let's not forget Pincus is a Facebook investor.

So, how bad was it two years ago? Here's what Pincus told PandoDaily (video interview embedded below):

Both companies were very prepared to break up, to go their own way. We were prepared to offer our games off Facebook and they were prepared to not have our games.

Thankfully for Zynga (and Facebook), Pincus had a conversation with Facebook co-founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg:

I think Mark and I sat in... [Read more]

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