Monday, April 8, 2013

App market soars with 13.4 billion downloads in Q1 2013

(Credit: Jason Cipriani/CNET)

As people around the world become increasingly more reliant on their mobile devices, the app market continues to grow. New research from market analyst firm Canalys shows that the top four app stores hit 13.4 billion downloads worldwide in the first quarter of 2013. This is an 11 percent increase over all of 2012 combined.

"Apps have had a huge impact on the way consumers use mobile devices, what they value, and what they expect from smart phones and tablets," Canalys chief analyst for analytics Adam Daum said in a statement. "They are now central to how consumers engage with content and connected services, and how they personalize their devices around the app-enabled features that are important to them."

Apple's App Store, Google Play, the Windows Phone Store, and BlackBerry World are the four most used app stores and combined for $2.2 billion in revenue off app downloads in the first quarter, a 9 percent increase over 2012. Apple's App Store took home the most dough with about 74 percent of the market share.

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