Thursday, April 4, 2013

Firefox prepares additional 'Do Not Track' options

More Do Not Track options are coming to Firefox. But will they have any impact?

(Credit: Mozilla)

Firefox has readied a more nuanced approach to how it implements the controversial "Do Not Track" setting and the Android version of the browser has a new font face in the browser's latest betas.

Firefox 21 Beta (download for Windows, Mac, and Linux) introduces more user choice for the Do Not Track header. The header, first introduced two years ago in Firefox 4, sends a signal to Web sites to not track where people who have activated it go as they bop around the Web.

Up until now, implementations of it have been limited to "On" or "Off." Sid Stamm, the lead privacy engineer at Firefox, described the original option as "user says nothing" and "user says don't track."

But, notes Tom Lowenthal, another security engineer at Firefox, there are actually ... [Read more]

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