Saturday, April 6, 2013

Google's Brin in a pink Batmobile, wearing Google Glass

(Credit: Corey Tanaka/Google+)

When you work at one of the world's most successful -- and occasionally silliest -- companies, it's hard to create wonderful April Fool's pranks.

After all, you're supposed to contribute your best ideas to the company, so that they might be selected as one of the 15 or so that are used to fool the world on April 1.

It's astonishing that any Googlies have time left over for personal japes. You know, like punking the boss, for example.

And yet, evidence has emerged that members of the Google(x) team -- which I believe exists to expunge any remaining elements of humanity from humanity -- managed to find a spare hour or 10 to purloin Sergery Brin's Tesla and turn it into a pink Batmobile.

More Technically Incorrect

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