Friday, April 5, 2013

ITC says Samsung text-selection feature infringes Apple patent

(Credit: Photo by: Sarah Tew/CNET)

A U.S. trade agency judge has decided the text-selection feature Samsung has on its mobile devices infringes on an Apple patent, Reuters reported today. If upheld, this could stop Samsung from sending devices to the United States.

The International Trade Commission judge also decided that Samsung did not infringe on the Apple patent that covers how a device detects if a microphone or other device is plugged into its microphone jack.

But the decision on the the inclusion of text-selection could have a negative effect on South Korean company's shipments.

If the commission agrees with the judge, the ITC stop Samsung from importing the several models, including the Galaxy, Transform and Nexus devices, into the U.S. The full commission, which can overturn or uphold the judge's decision, is expected to release its final decision in August. [Read more]

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