Friday, April 5, 2013

Kickstart a 3D-printed robotic hand

(Credit: Christopher Chappell)

If you're missing a hand, getting a replacement isn't exactly cheap. The BeBionic -- which is, admittedly, a higher-end model -- can cost up to $35,000. We imagine that's a little out of the price range of many amputees.

It's unsurprising, then, that some have taken it upon themselves to find a more accessible solution. Robohand, for example, has been creating 3D-printed robotic hands for children, with a free, open-source 3D-printing pattern available on Thingiverse for people who wish to make their own.

Christopher Chappell of the U.K. wants to do something similar. He's created a Kickstarter campaign for a 3D-printed robotic hand that is a little bit more sophisticated than the Robohand, but could cost as little as around $450 for an assembled hand and arm.

Read more of "Kickstart a 3D-printed robotic hand" at Crave Aus... [Read more]

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