Monday, April 8, 2013

Mozilla seeks to integrate payment system into Firefox OS

Mozilla is hoping to streamline payments for Web apps by adding a new API into its forthcoming Firefox OS that is designed to make the process easier and more secure.

The organization announced the first draft of a new payment system API last week in a blog post. The API will be integrated into Firefox OS with the aim of making payment processing simpler and provide better security and control for users. Firefox OS is Mozilla's upcoming mobile operating system.

Mozilla said that while online services such as PayPal go some way to simplifying accepting Web payments, they aren't integrated into devices very well. As a result, "Mozilla wants to introduce a common web API to make payments easy and secure on Web devices yet still as flexible as the checkout button for merchants," Kumar McMillan, a senior Web developer working on Firefox OS at Mozilla, said in the blog post.

Read more of "Mozilla tests out web payment API for Firefox OS" at ZDNet.

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