Monday, April 8, 2013

Petman robot rocks gas mask, chemical suit

Superman: Petman flexes its muscles in its new threads.

(Credit: Video screenshot by Tim Hornyak/CNET)

If the apparel oft proclaims the man, as Polonius said in "Hamlet," then the camo suit proclaims the robot.

Boston Dynamics is showing off new duds for its Petman humanoid robot platform, and it looks rather badass.

Peman is a walking, squatting, flexing hazmat suit testing machine. It's designed to stand up to chemical warfare agents.

With nothing on, it looks like The Terminator. But when it's wearing this camouflage chemical suit and gas mask, you could mistake it for a real soldier.

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Well, except for the tethers to its treadmill, as seen in the rather disconcerting video below. I for one am glad it's still tied up.

Funded by the Department of Defense's ... [Read more]

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