Sunday, April 7, 2013

The sharing (and selling) of Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg

I'll share a little, if you share a lot.

(Credit: CNET)

Once they've made a movie about you, can you ever be you again?

Perhaps that depends on whether you were you in the first place. Or rather, whether the you that people saw had very much to do with the real human being that lived inside your body.

This has been the dilemma of Mark Zuckerberg for some time.

As his ambitions (and Facebook) got bigger and bigger, as his contempt for any norms of privacy exceeded those of your most nosy grandmother, he suddenly had to appear in the public eye.

Yes, the man who peddled sharing as if it was a human being's only natural act, was suddenly forced to share himself.

It wasn't always a telegenic sight, especially when he overheated.

But then he got married and started giving to charity, all acts of a maturing, sharing specimen.

This week, however, he chose to share a little more in an attempt to get you to bare a little more. Or, perhaps, bear a little more.

As he launched Facebook Home, his company's attempt at turning your Android phone ... [Read more]

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