Tuesday, April 9, 2013

U.S. Air Force designates six cybertools as weapons

U.S. and Israel are widely believed to have created Stuxnet, a sophisticated computer virus that attacked a nuclear enrichment facility in Iran in 2010

(Credit: CBS)

Six cybertools have been designated as weapons by the U.S. Air Force, allowing the programs to better compete for increasingly scarce Pentagon funding, an Air Force official said on Monday.

Lt. Gen. John Hyten, vice commander of Air Force Space Command, told a conference held in conjunction with the National Space Symposium that the new designations would boost the profile of the military's cyberoperations as countries grapple with attacks originating from the Internet.

"This means that the game-changing capability that cyber is, is going to get more attention and the recognition that it deserves," Hyten told conference attendees, according to a Reuters account of the speech. "It's very, very hard to compete for resources. ... You have to be able to make that case."

Hyten, who said the Air Force was working to integrate cybercapabilities with other weapons, offered no details on the new cyber weapons.

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