Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Al Franken gives thumbs-down to facial recognition tech

Senator Al Franken (D-Minn.)

(Credit: Senator Al Franken)

Minnesota Senator Al Franken is concerned about the growing use of facial recognition technology spurred by companies like Facebook, Apple, and Google. He believes that once mainstreamed, not only is privacy curbed but also law enforcement officials could potentially abuse the technology to the detriment of U.S. residents.

In a Senate hearing on facial recognition technology today, Franken, who is the chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Privacy, Technology, and the Law, questioned the FBI, the Federal Trade Commission, and Facebook about their use of this computer science, according to The Verge.

Facebook automatically uses facial recognition software in its photo-tagging feature, which it rolled out last year. It's been a hot button issue since its inception; in fact, the European Union decided last year to launch an investigation into whether this feature violates European privacy regulations.

In the hearing today, Franken raised concerns that the feature should be opt-in rather than automatic, according to The Verge... [Read more]

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