Monday, July 9, 2012

Could the delayed Blackberry lead to lawsuits?

Research in Motion suffered in June its worst month to date.

First, a $518 million quarterly loss. Second, its lowest share price since the company's peak in 2008. And last in the trio, the forthcoming line of BlackBerry models and an updated operating system that may make or break RIM's future is to experience further delay.

Considering this, with RIM's annual meeting scheduled this week, CEO Thorsten Heins may not be looked upon with friendly eyes by investors.

Displeasure, and investors brooding over their dwindling stake, may not be the only thing to occupying shareholders' minds at the meeting. The New York Times reports that investing parties and security law experts may take the issue of the BlackBerry 10 delay further, and transform worry over invested capital into lawsuits.

Combatting opinions of analysts who forecast RIM's future as nothing more than a "death spiral," Heins said that "there's nothing wrong with the company as it exists right now" in a radio interview last week.

The perhaps overly-optimistic remarks of Heins have not helped alleviate these concerns.

If the delay of the BlackBerry 10 coincides with documented statements and quotes from RIM's management, there may cause for r... [Read more]

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