Thursday, July 19, 2012

How Steve Jurvetson got first dibs on the Tesla Model S

Steve Jurvetson says electric vehicles are undoubtedly the car of the future. Not surprising given that his VC firm, Draper Fisher Jurvetson was an early investor in electric vehicle company, Tesla Motors. But to really get an idea of how passionate he is about EVs, you have to hear the story about how he wound up getting the keys to the new Model S--beating out even Tesla CEO Elon Musk.

Musk had been dodging Jurvetsons numerous requests to put down a deposit on the car, saying that reservations for the vehicle couldn't be taken until the price was set.

But Jurvetson's luck changed as he prepared for a Tesla Motors board meeting.

"I noticed on page 65 that the prices are available," he said.

He asked whether the prices were being set today. When he got a "yeah," there was no hesitation.

"I whip out my wallet as fast as I can. All of a sudden I have one check ready to go. I write it out to Tesla Motors for that amount and throw it across the table assuming for whatever reason I was in a race, but everyone else was just stunned," said Jurvetson.

On a recent sunny day in Menlo Park, Jurvetson gave my cameraman and I a ride in his sparkling, deep red S. As he quickly switched lanes and floored it to demonstrate the car's handling (promptly sending my cameraman flying from one side of the back seat to the other), it seemed pretty clear that he enjoyed his new whee... [Read more]

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