Thursday, July 12, 2012

Screen yourself for skin cancer with this free iOS app

(Credit: University of Michigan)

Got a new mole? A bad sunburn? A family member with a skin cancer diagnosis?

UMSkinCheck, a free new app for iPhone and iPad developed at the University of Michigan, includes a risk calculator that will help you determine your individual risk. If you have any concern at all, it guides you through taking a series of 23 photos that cover your entire body to develop a baseline for future photo comparisons.

"Whole body photography is a well-established resource for following patients at risk for melanoma," Michael Sabel, lead physician in app development and associate professor of surgery at the U-M Medical School, said in a school news release.

"However, it requires a professional photographer, is not always covered by insurance, and can be an inconvenience. Now that many people have digital cameras on their phones, it's more feasible to do this at home."

With 2 million Americans diagnosed with some form of skin cancer every year, it is the most common cancer, according to the Skin Cancer Foundation. In fact, one in five Americans develop skin cancer at some point.

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