Monday, July 16, 2012

Skype privacy bug sends messages to other contacts

Skype users are taking to its support forums to warn that some instant messages from one contact are being sent to an unintended recipient on that user's contact list.

It appears the bug may have stemmed from a Skype upgrade last month, according to the support thread.

"SunnyLady78" kicked off the thread by noting how "surprised" and "shocked" she was to find that messages sent to one person ended up being read by another one of her contacts.

Sometimes when I open chat window with some contact, it lists all latest messages from that person although I have already read them. Few days ago one friend from my contact list has received few messages I had already received before from other my Skype contact. It seemed these messages were sent by me. It is really confusing.

In reply, "strayle" added his or her two cents:

Messages sent by one contact (2 lines out of a hundred or so) were sent to another contact of mine. These 2 contacts are not connected on Skype.

Another user, who goes by the name "bla84" noted:

Strangely enough, the two messages were actually sent today on July 11, 2012 (Beijing time), but when I logged in to Skype this morning, the two messages appeared in the chat history with my contact, and it recorded it as being sent on July 10..... This is ver... [Read more]

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