Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Web exposes Burger King employee standing on lettuce

Look at that lovely lettuce. That's how it should be.

(Credit: Burger Screenshot: Chris Matyszczyk/CNET)

When it comes to humor, you can't always have it your own way.

Well, you can, as long as you don't post it online.

My evidence for this thesis comes from a Burger King employee who thought it would be amusing to stand in two large plastic tubs of lettuce and have a photo taken.

Was he or she wearing shoes? But of course. Was this funny? But of course the lettuce-stomper must have thought it was. That is, until Anonymous members of 4Chan thought it would be just -- and, perhaps, funny too -- to find this individual and expose their unhygienic tendencies.

You see, it seems that this photo was posted right there on a 4Chan forum.

I am grateful to, which reports that the lettuce-trampling man's photo includes just enough GPS data for him to be located in Mayfield Heights, Cleveland.

Imgur automatically wipes such data, but not everyone offers the same level of security. So the lettuce lout was reportedly located within 15 minutes. (Cleveland Scene reports that ... [Read more]

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