Friday, October 12, 2012

Apple Maps confuse 'Batman'

Oh, dear. This isn't going well.

(Credit: MovieclipsTRAILERS/YouTube Screenshot: Chris Matyszczyk/CNET )

One or two jokes have been directed at Apple Maps ever since a less than perfect launch last month. We made one of our own on Rumor Has It a few weeks ago.

It seemed, to some at least, that the maps app had been created after a very drunken lunch between Siri and the Joker.

What a coincidence, then, that a film has emerged of "Batman" losing his way because of his new iPhone 5.

While Siri attempts to direct him as best she can, given her seeming predilection for a tincture at any time of day, Batman becomes exasperated.

Apple's maps are ruining his image. They are making him seem incompetent.

More Technically Incorrect

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