Sunday, October 7, 2012

Google's wonderfully random Niels Bohr doodle

(Credit: Screenshot: Chris Matyszczyk/CNET )

I fancy that Google's doodlers sit in a room where every wall is a different color.

I imagine that they walk into work everything morning, not knowing what they will be doing, thinking or smoking.

And then they just chat.

Someone says something. Someone else says something entirely unrelated. And then, through some odd finger-pointing and head-bobbing, they reach a conclusion.

How else to explain today's doodle which celebrates the birthday of one of physics' great lights, Niels Bohr?

Bohr had such refined talents that not only did he win the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1922, but he managed to inspire his son, Aage Bohr, sufficiently that he, too, was awarded a Nobel in 1975.

Today, though, is not some especially significant milestone in the Bohr family. It is not the 100th anniversary of his birth or death, nor his 150th.

It's just that Niels Bohr would have been 127 today. Which seems beautifully random and humorous.

More Technically Incorrect

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