Monday, January 21, 2013

Brin wears his Google glasses on NYC subway: Um, why?

(Credit: Noah Zerkin/Twitter With Permission)

In recent times, Google's Sergey Brin has become an ambulating, flying billboard for his company's next great invention, Google Glasses.

These things will project all the information you need to know (Mariah Carey just kissed someone!) straight into your eyes, as you bump into another fellow human, who is trying to take in the winner of the 3:30 race at Belmont Park.

Yesterday, though, Brin took his glasses for a very curious roam into the depths of New York's subway.

In this place where drunks commune with priests, strippers, Wall Street fiends and administrative associates, Brin sat calmly, dressed like a team member from "Ocean's Eleven."

We know this because, as the Next Web reports, he was spotted by Noah Zerkin, who just happens to be rather fond of augmented reality himself.

Zerkin tweeted the image and explained: "Yeeeah... I just had a brief conversation... [Read more]

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