Saturday, April 6, 2013

Daggers out for Windows 8, plaudits for the iPad

The war on Windows 8 continued this week. But there's probably something more to that than an unpopular operating system.

The week began with Dell -- ostensibly one of the biggest proponents of Window 8 -- making bleak predictions about the OS in an SEC filing.

Dell didn't stop there. It had a damning statement about the PC too. "The deteriorating outlook for the PC market [is] a result of, among other things, smartphones and tablets cannibalizing PC sales."

Which brings us to the market-devouring iPad, which, since its release this week, has passed the three-year mark. Business Insider showed how the iPad played a big part in killing PC market growth, contrasting negative PC growth against the meteoric rise of the iPad.

"Apple has sold 121 million iPads, totaling $67.7 billion in sales.... The PC industry is reeling because of the iPad... iPad revenue is bigger than Windows revenue!" the article proclaims. </... [Read more]

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