Saturday, April 6, 2013

Did Google let the Fiber out of the bag?

Google's zippy Fiber Internet service may have gotten ahead of even itself.

With a mysterious press conference on tap for next week from Chez Page and Brin -- along with the city of Austin, Texas -- word has been flying that Austin is next in line for Google Fiber, which offers Net access that's 100 times faster than what other services provide.

The only thing the press invite for the event says is: "the City of Austin and Google will make a very important announcement that will have a positive impact on Austinites and the future of the city."

And Google representatives and Austin officials have been tight-lipped.

But Engadget reports that a tipster -- who for whatever reason seemed to be cruising the Google Fiber Web site in the wee hours of the morning -- spied a blank story template in the news section of the Cities page. Blank, that is, but for the headline "Google Fiber's Next Stop: Austin, Texas." There was supposedly a byline too: "Posted by SoAndSo, SoAndSo Team."

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