Saturday, July 14, 2012

Consumers not waiting for Windows 8?

Blame it on Windows 8.

Analysts this week cited "waiting for Windows 8" as one reason for flat shipments of traditional PCs.

But I would submit that's an excuse rather than a reason. Instead of waiting, consumers are buying MacBooks, iPads, Google's Nexus 7, and large-screen Android phones.

In other words, what Intel CEO Paul Otellini likes to optimistically call -- in the case of tablets -- "additive" devices, or machines people buy in addition to a PC. But I think they're what consumers actually buy instead of a PC.

Does that portend an apocalyptic end-of-days scenario for the traditional PC? No, but it means things won't necessarily improve much.

And, by the way, Microsoft is doing the right thing. In order to stay relevant, it had no choice but to dive into PC hardware, i.e., the Surface tablet.

It bears repeating that Surface -- if it lives up to its billing, and that's still a big if -- is one of the most exciting PC products in a long time.

Which brings us back to the Windows 8 upgrade. The world's not holding its collective breath for the next version of Windows like it used to.

There are too many serious distractions like Android and Apple now. Both of which, by the way, already do what Windows 8 proposes to do.

Microsoft Surface, Windows 8 Pro model.

(Credit: Microsoft)

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