Thursday, September 20, 2012

The most obnoxious iPhone 5 case?

How come my wife never got me a shirt like this?

(Credit: inspiremycase)

Are you a self-righteous iPhone devotee? It's OK, we know you're out there, so why not flaunt it?

Like the iPhone 5 itself, this $34.95 forthright and obnoxious case is elegant, simple and "just works..." at irritating the heck out of the Android fanboi next to you on the train whose Galaxy S3 just gave him a "force close" error.

The pictured case sports just one of a few suggested custom messages that inspiremycase would be happy to bedazzle (or is it besnark?) your new iPhone with. Another favorite: "Yes, I'm Taller, Skinnier and Lighter Than Yours."

My personal recommendation for a custom message? Why not shove your attitude directly in my face with something like: "I Jumped the Shark, and All I Got Was More Awesome."

[Read more]

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